Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have never considered myself a writer.

But I have an idea in my head that just won't go away. When I close my eyes, there it is waiting for me to give it a little bit of attention. And I ignore it. The next time I close my eyes it's still there, only it has grown a little. When I closed my eyes a few days ago, it had grown so large that I could no longer ignore it. I decided to throw my time, money, and responsibility to the wind and let my story loose.

NaNoWriMo beckons! 50,000 words in 30 days.

I'm going to give my poor 2-year-old daughter and husband an up front apology. The house is going to suffer. My attention to each of you is going to wane. The holidays are going to be their most hectic yet - and that's saying something.

But Janie is finally going to get her day in the sun.

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